Recent Translations

Our translation team works with the courts to improve access to justice by providing English translations of recent Quebec judgments to the public in this province and across Canada.
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22 juillet 2024

Vêtements de sport Gildan inc. v. Browning West

The Tribunal, seized of an application brought by a private party involved in a dispute with one of its shareholders, refused to render the orders sought as it is of the view that they are without merit and are not justified in the public interest, irrespective of whether se...
8 juillet 2024

Procureur général du Québec v. Ortona

The application for leave to appeal brought by the Attorney General of Quebec and the Office québécois de la langue française from the order to stay the application of certain provisions of the Charter of the French Language to the English school boards is dismissed...
14 juin 2024

Groupe TVA Inc. v. Sûreté du Québec

Groupe TVA inc. did not uphold the confidentiality undertaking its journalist made when it broadcast a report identifying 2 individuals as sources of information; nevertheless, TVA is not ordered to disclose the information of the complete recording of the interview with the...
10 juin 2024

J.J. c. Procureur général du Québec

The Court authorizes a class action on behalf of the thousands of children subject to the Indian Act and Inuit children (and their families) who, between 1951 and 2014, were forced to attend the provincial Indigenous day school system, established by the Government ...
4 juin 2024

Ilgun v. R.

The Court of Québec judge could not ignore the matter of the trial venue in Kuujjuaq rather than in Quaqtaq or the appellant’s right to be tried in his community; that said, this is not a matter of jurisdiction, and the Superior Court judge was therefore well-founded in dism...
9 mai 2024

Touré v. Groupe BMTC inc. (Brault & Martineau inc.)

The class action instituted on behalf of persons who purchased an additional warranty before June 30, 2010, based on representations by Brault & Martineau or Ameublements Tanguay that if they did not purchase the additional warranty and there was a breakdown after the ma...
5 avril 2024

Sorella v. R.

The trial judge erred in refusing to allow Adèle Sorella to raise the theory of the involvement of organized crime in the murder of her daughters; a new trial is ordered on both charges of second degree murder.

28 mars 2024

Droit de la famille — 24292

Family law – family patrimony – property – undivided co-ownership

26 mars 2024

Picard v. R.

The decision tree relating to the underlying offence of sexual assault presented to the jury during the appellant’s trial for first degree murder did not shift the burden of proof, in light of the trial judge’s instructions as a whole; the appeal from the verdict is therefor...
26 mars 2024

Protection de la jeunesse — 226231

Section 91 in fine of the Youth Protection Act confers the power to make orders to correct a situation in which a child’s rights are wronged but not to interfere in the management of the human, material, and financial resources of the institutions and bodie...
25 mars 2024

Procureur général du Québec v. Centre de lutte contre l'oppression des genres

Paragraph 2 of section 23.2 of the Regulation respecting change of name and of other particulars of civil status violates the dignity of transgender and non-binary persons, but the violation is justified.


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